Seattle Sheraton - Willvin & Rut Wedding!
Location, catering and cake: Seattle SheratonFloral arrangements, lighting and stage arrangements: Darren Baker Band: Half-Pack LIVE represented by Gigmasters
bride looking through veil as the Seattle Sheraton
I really loved the moody feel of these images taken of Rut in her wedding veil, so here are a few!
bridal veiled at seattle sheraton
pensive bride
bride and groom holding hands cross-processed at seattle sheraton
bride and groom tea ceremony at seattle sheraton
Rut and Willvin sharing tea.
bride looking at groom in a limousine in seattle
This is Rut looking at Willvin in the limousine.
bride and groom kissing at two union square
bride and groom walking past the Seattle Sheraton sign
bride and groom during wedding ceremony at the seattle sheraton
happy bride after wedding ceremony at seattle sheraton
Half-pack Live performing at the wedding reception at the seattle sheraton
The band was very good. Half-Pack LIVE
groom singing with electric guitar at the seattle sheraton
Willvin and his dad pulled out their electric guitars and played and sang for Rut.
bride and groom at seattle sheraton
Rut hugging Willvin after the song.
bride and groom dancing at the Seattle Sheraton
The first dance.
back of the dress and grooms hands during the first dance