Seattle Wedding & Commercial Photographer - Cory Parris Photography



editorial - headshots - construction - marketing


Weddings - Engagements - Elopements


Seniors - Kids - families


Telling Stories

The magic of photography is about the story the image tells and the feelings it creates in the viewer. When you see a wedding photograph that makes you feel warm inside because of the absolute joy on the couple’s face, that is a successful image. When you see a pensive portrait of a young adult looking into the future, and you wonder what he is thinking, that image is working magic. When you see an image of an old door in Italy and you can see the generations of changes that have occurred and you wonder about the families that have lived inside, that is an image that is sharing a story.

I’m always looking forward to the next project and the story I get to tell!

Contact me with the form below, send me an email at, or give me a call at (206) 778-8664

Italian Doors - 001.jpg

Recent stories



Spotlight Series

As a personal project, I have started what I am calling my Spotlight Series. There are so many people working to make things better in some way. My vision for the project is that I want to find them, meet them, photograph them, and tell their stories. I especially want to lift up people doing things that I may not have known anything about before I met them, or I feel like they deserve some sort of small recognition that I can provide. In addition to trying to find people on my own, I would love help in finding worthy, interesting people. If you know the perfect person, please email me or fill out my handy nomination form.


Contact Us

I would love to hear from you! Let me know what I can photograph for you, or whatever you want to share with me today! Please complete the form below and I will get back to you as soon as possible. I make it my goal to respond to everything within a day. Thanks!




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